A lost and found animal

What happens to lost animals in your country? If you have recently moved to Italy, own a pet, and are worried what might happen in case your friend gets lost, here is how the country deals with this event.

First of all, you should know that since 2005 it is mandatory in Italy to enter your pet in a specific register and have your vet microchip it. This is extremely helpful so that your little friend gets found, because what the law states is that if a person finds a roaming animal they have to call the emergency number so that the animal is secured to a shelter until the chip is read and the owner is able to go pick it up. However, the owner has an extra responsibility: you must report to the competent authorities (police, but also a vet) that your pet is lost. If you fail to abide by the law you may incur in a fine between 25 and 300 Euro, depending on the region you live in. 

Statistics show that it usually happens that a pet is lost and found within 24 hours, but if you really want to be sure, and want to protect your friend too. Just go by the rules because they really work well.…